Before you finish reading the words Twitter analytics and doze off, stay with me, this is important for your business. The secret to unlocking your social media growth potential is in your Twitter analytics.


Keep reading to find out what your audience wants, place your best-performing Tweets and unlock the central insights that will help you lot refine your social media marketing strategy.

In this consummate guide to Twitter analytics, you'll learn:

  • The near of import Twitter metrics to track
  • Why you should track them
  • five tools that volition salvage time and speed up growth
  • And, how the heck to even utilise Twitter Analytics

Bonus: Go a free social media analytics study template that shows you the most of import metrics to track for each network.

What are Twitter analytics?

Twitter Analytics allows you to rails and view key metrics, like follower gain/loss, impressions, date charge per unit, retweets and more. The tool has been effectually since 2022 and is available to all Twitter users, including both personal and concern accounts.

Using Twitter Analytics for business helps you brand information-driven decisions about your social media strategy. Armed with data, you lot tin can optimize your Twitter campaigns to get amend results and more than followers without guessing whether your plan volition work or not.

The benefits of tracking Twitter analytics

The three main benefits of using Twitter Analytics are:

Learning what your audition really wants

Through Twitter analytics, you lot'll observe valuable audience insights that volition tell yous what your followers answer to the nearly. Text posts? Photos? Video? Polls? Cat GIFs? All of the in a higher place, but only on Sundays?

Without data, you'll never know for sure what type of content volition be a hitting and what will miss the marker.

Tracking your growth

Ditch your spreadsheets and leave the math to Twitter analytics. Track your follower gain or loss per month and see growth trends over fourth dimension.

Having analytics data lets you run across what types of content are getting yous new followers (or turning people abroad).

Figuring out the best fourth dimension to mail

When I see a friend for dinner, the commencement question they ask isn't how I am. They ask me, "What's the all-time fourth dimension to post on Twitter?"

OK, not really. Just that's what you want to know, right? The secret is that in that location's no perfect time for everyone. Information technology depends when your audience is online and if they bridge multiple time zones.

With Twitter analytics, yous tin tell when your Tweets are getting the most engagement. You'll exist able to see patterns for what times of mean solar day work best. Don't stress as well much well-nigh information technology, though: 42% of American users check Twitter once a 24-hour interval, and 25% cheque information technology several times a mean solar day.

Want the easy reply? Alright, alright, the all-time fourth dimension to post is viii am on Mondays and Thursdays. Happy now?

What can you rails with Twitter analytics?

Here's what you lot can find out with Twitter analytics.

The dashboard page

This is what you meet when you beginning navigate to Twitter analytics. It shows you a monthly overview of your top stats, including your:

  • Top Tweet (by number of impressions)
  • Top mention (by engagements)
  • Top media Tweet (ones that include an image or video)
  • Top follower (the person with the almost followers who started following you in the electric current month)

It too includes a brusque summary of your activity that month.

Twitter account analytics
Source: Twitter

The Tweets page

Next up along the superlative menu is Tweets. As yous can see from my Twitter business relationship, I struck gold on November 23, earning college impressions than I unremarkably do. The graph is a helpful way to quickly see content trends at a glance.

Tweet activity dashboard with detailed stats and graphs

You tin can see all your Tweets' impressions and engagement rates in the chosen fourth dimension period, which defaults to the past 28 days. This is also where you view stats on your Promoted Tweets (paid advertisement).

Along the right side, you can also view your average:

  • Engagement rate
  • Link clicks
  • Retweets
  • Likes
  • Replies

You can also click an individual Tweet for detailed statistics:

Tweet activity report
Source: Twitter

The video page

Under the "More than" tab at the top, you'll find the video page. However, this page but shows stats for video content uploaded via Twitter'south Media Studio or for Promoted video ads.

Like the Tweets page, y'all can view like video date stats here:

  • Views
  • Completion rate (how many people watched until the end)
  • Total video minutes viewed
  • Retention rate

You can besides see more than detailed analytics in Twitter'south Media Studio, like when your audience is online and the top Tweets and comments people are saying about y'all.

Twitter follower activity heatmap

The conversion tracking folio

Likewise under the "More" tab is the conversion tracking page. To utilise it, you beginning demand to set up Twitter conversion tracking on your website. After information technology's set up upwardly, y'all'll see conversion information for Twitter Ads here and can export it as a .CSV file.

Twitter report export settings
Source: Twitter

The Business Insights Dashboard

Finally, Twitter has a personalized Business Insights page. "Oh, is information technology located somewhere easy to find and/or within the rest of the Twitter analytics dashboard?" you lot may enquire, and the answer is no, not at all.

I actually stumbled upon it past accident. Y'all can find information technology in the Twitter for Concern section under Advert -> Analytics.

Twitter Business Dashboard: Advertising menu

Then, whorl all the style downwardly to the bottom and click on Visit yours now under the Business Insights Dashboard header.

Twitter analytics: Business Insights Dashboard

Et voilĂ ! Some moderately helpful Twitter insights, like so:

Twitter Business Insights: personalized tips

Clean up my re-create. Why I oughta… Exercise you even know who I am, Twitter?

OK, so at present that yous know what Twitter analytics can do, here's how to discover it.

How to check your Twitter analytics

How to access Twitter analytics via desktop

Open Twitter in your browser and click on More, in the left-side card. Y'all'll see Analytics equally an option about halfway downward. This will bring you to your Twitter analytics dashboard page.

Twitter navigational menu

How to access Twitter analytics on mobile

In the mobile Twitter app, you can't view the total analytics dashboard — just you can see analytics for individual Tweets. Find it by tapping on a Tweet and so borer View Tweet Action.

Tweet activity report

How to access Twitter analytics with Hootsuite

You can view your complete Twitter analytics inside Hootsuite, alongside data from all of your other social platforms. No more than hunting around each platform for the metrics you need to track — information technology's all correct at your fingertips.

You can observe Hootsuite Analytics forth the left menu in your dashboard, labeled Analytics.

Hootsuite Streams: My tweets

Tracking your Twitter analytics (and analytics for all your platforms!) in Hootsuite allows you to:

  • Save a ton of time by having everything you lot need for all your accounts in one place.
  • Create and consign custom reports so that y'all can runway the social media metrics most important to your company.
  • Fix benchmarks and rails growth.
  • Become insights on the best times to post and your overall campaign ROI.

11 Twitter metrics to track for the best results

Some of these will be more important to you lot than others, but by and large speaking, these are the 11 Twitter analytics metrics you should care well-nigh.

Twitter hashtag analytics


What it is: The number of views your Tweet received.

Bonus: Become a gratis social media analytics report template that shows yous the almost important metrics to track for each network.

Become the free template now!

Why it matters: It tells you lot how many eyeballs are on your content. This, combined with your engagements, is what gives you an engagement charge per unit for each Tweet and your overall account. Impressions tell you if people discover your content compelling.

Sometimes, getting high impressions tin simply be due to the hashtag(s) you utilise, so play around with dissimilar ones to discover what works best.

Top Tweet

What it is: This is in the Dwelling tab of your Twitter analytics dashboard. Twitter will show your most popular Tweet for each calendar month (or other date range selected). You can besides observe your Tweets listed with their engagement rate on the Tweets page.

Why it matters: This is what your audience is responding to the most. Give them more than of that.

Top Tweet analytics

Twitter followers analytics

Follower proceeds/loss

What it is: The number of followers you lot gained or lost over a specific fourth dimension menses. This is bachelor in both the Dashboard and Tweets pages.

Why information technology matters: This is frequently the height Twitter metric to track, or near the tiptop, for nigh businesses. It's one of your main signals of growth aslope your engagement metrics.

Top followers

What it is: The person with the near followers who recently followed you. Y'all tin can find this on your Dashboard page.

Why it matters: What if The Biebs follows you and you didn't know? But seriously, this is a quick and easy way to keep track of the movers and shakers you lot're continued to.

New followers

What it is: The fresh new faces who take recently followed you.

Why it matters: Reaching out quickly after someone follows you increases the likelihood of a productive interaction, since you're all the same top of mind.

In Hootsuite, yous tin see a list of Tweets from all your recent followers. You can reply to their Tweet, send a direct bulletin or email yourself a link to their Tweet to follow up on after.

Hootsuite Analytics dashboard: Tweets and Followers

Elevation mention

What it is: The Tweet with the nigh engagements that mentions you (@yourname) for the selected time menstruation. You can find this on the main Dashboard page.

Why information technology matters: Whether information technology'south a client talking most you or a media mention, this is bound to be a popular Tweet. You'll already have responded to it past the time it shows up on your monthly summary. But, seeing your previous popular mentions can help identify patterns of what people are saying well-nigh you.

Twitter engagement analytics


What it is: The big juice! Engagements are all the interactions people have had with your Tweet. That includes:

  • Link clicks
  • Hashtag clicks
  • Expanding to view the total Tweet
  • Clicking your Twitter profile photo or username
  • Retweets
  • Replies
  • Follows
  • Likes

So, simply about everything then.

Why it matters: The reason all of these are part of engagements is to make up one's mind the overall engagement charge per unit of your Tweets. You tin can view detailed statistics for each of the in a higher place-mentioned Twitter analytics, too.

Having a high-level overview of your engagements lets y'all apace determine which tweets are working for you and which aren't.

Engagement rate

What it is: Hither's some math for ya: (Engagements ÷ Impressions) = Engagement rate. On the Tweets page, y'all tin can see the engagement rate of each Tweet as well every bit your average rate.

Why it matters: Your engagement rate is a good indicator of overall functioning. After all, if a Tweet lands in the forest, simply at that place's no one effectually to retweet it, did yous ever really tweet at all?

Not really. Considering if no one is interacting with your Tweets, you're wasting your time. Setting a benchmark for your date rate and tracking it over time will assist guide your social media strategy.

What's a adept Twitter engagement rate? The overall boilerplate is effectually 0.5%, and none of the industries ranked past Statista croaky over 1%.

If you can achieve 1.ane%… hooboy, yous'd exist somethin' special.

Statista graph: Average Twitter engagement per industry
Source: Statista

Link clicks

What information technology is: On the Tweets folio, y'all tin see link clicks as a total number for the time period. You lot can also view how many clicks a specific link got by viewing the detailed statistics for that Tweet.

Why it matters: Clicking a link in your Tweet shows a high level of involvement in your content or products. It'southward helpful to measure out the loyalty of your audience.

Withal, you may desire to rethink including links in your Tweets at all. A recent Hootsuite experiment found that linkless Tweets received higher engagement and reach.

In the experiment, only 12% of Tweets were linkless, merely 56% of Tweets with the highest engagement were linkless.


What information technology is: A reply is a direct response to one of your Tweets, whereas a retweet is like a "share" on other platforms — it's a respond to you, just it besides posts to the other person's feed.

You lot can view these Twitter metrics on the Tweets page.

Twitter analytics: Retweets

Why it matters: Replies and retweets are the best mode to build authentic relationships with your audition. When someone replies or retweets your content, nurture the conversation past replying dorsum.


What it is: The number of people who liked your Tweets. Likes are also included in Engagements. You can find them on the Tweets folio in the right sidebar.

Why it matters: While it takes much less effort to hitting a little heart symbol on a Tweet than to reply to or retweet it, it'due south still an engagement. It means someone read it and liked it plenty to… like it.

Y'all don't demand to track likes every bit meticulously equally your overall appointment rate, but it'south still a good indicator of how your audience perceives your content.

4 must-take Twitter analytics tools

These are Twitter analytics-specific tools, just nosotros've too got a listing of the best overall Twitter tools to grow your account.

Hootsuite Analytics

Hootsuite'due south advantage in analytics is bringing together the results of all your social platforms in ane place. With custom reports, avant-garde metric tracking and the ability to auto-schedule analytics written report delivery, you can manage your Twitter analytics on autopilot.

Seeing your Twitter analytics aslope your other platforms allows you to go on the bigger picture in listen every bit yous evaluate your social media strategy.

Cheque out everything Hootsuite Analytics can do in 2 minutes:


You tin can create custom searches to track keywords or hashtags on Twitter. A unique characteristic of Tweetview is the ability to filter mentions by location to pinpoint your audience inquiry and date tactics.


Analyze your Twitter hashtag performance, detect new hashtag ideas and get actionable insights for your Twitter campaigns. It can also report on geographic and demographic trends.


Tweepsmap is a follower research tool that allows yous to view what your audience is talking virtually on Twitter, segmented past location and interests. You lot can besides enquiry topics to see where they are well-nigh popular around the world.

Whether you're brand new to Twitter or have been at information technology for years, don't exist agape to get down n' nerdy with your Twitter analytics reports. Numbers don't lie. They'll tell you if your current social media marketing strategy needs an aligning.

After all, nerds run the world.

Effortlessly schedule Tweets, respond to retweets and go valuable Twitter insights to skyrocket your social media growth strategy — across all your platforms. Try Hootsuite for free today.

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